The website is provided courtesy of
Ronnie Falcao, LM MS,
a homebirth midwife in Mountain View, CA
An interactive resource for moms on easy steps they can take to reduce exposure to chemical toxins during pregnancy. Other excellent resources about avoiding toxins during pregnancy These are easy to read and understand and are beautifully presented. |
How to Find Medical Information on the Internet: A Print and
Online Tutorial for the Healthcare Professional and Consumer [Medscape
Medical papers available free on internet By Andrew Jack [1/10/07]
Scientific publishing embarked on a revolution yesterday as more than 500,000 medical research papers became available free on the internet.
UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) -
Based on PubMed Central (PMC), the U.S. National Institutes of
Health (NIH) free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences
journal literature, UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) provides a stable,
permanent, and free-to-access online digital archive of full-text,
peer-reviewed research publications.
Evidence-based Healthcare - This web course has been created
by the United States Cochrane Center as part of a project
undertaken by Consumers United for Evidence- based Healthcare
(CUE), and is designed to help consumer advocates understand the
fundamentals of evidence-based healthcare concepts and skills.
Registration is open and free of charge.
Guide to Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth is an
overview of results of the best available research about effects
of specific maternity practices. The full text of the current
edition (Oxford University Press, 2000) is available on this
website courtesy of the authors: Murray Enkin, Marc J.N.C. Keirse,
James Neilson, Caroline Crowther, Lelia Duley, Ellen Hodnett and
Justus Hofmeyr. A separate page provides information about this
Guide. THANK YOU!!!
Connections makes the entire book available online.
The Cochrane Collaboration, an international not-for-profit organization, providing up-to-date information about the effects of health care.
The Cochrane Collaboration provides the highest quality of information available. Many midwives refer often to "The Midwife's Bible", i.e.
Their online collections of reviews include a section on Pregnancy
Childbirth and another on Neonatal.
number of countries can access The Cochrane Library for free
through a ‘national provision’. Why doesn't the U.S.
fund access for its citizens?
forms of care;
of' care that are likely to be beneficial;
of care with a trade off between beneficial and adverse effects;
of care of unknown effectiveness;
of care that are unlikely to be beneficial;
of care that are likely to be ineffective or harmful.
Maternity Care - One Stop Shopping for Maternity Care
Quality Information and Resources
For the first time, those involved in maternity care system
improvement have a single resource to find information, resources,
data, and inspiration.
List Resources from The College of
Family Physicians of Canada
TRIP - Turning Research
Into Practice - "the Internet's leading resources for
Evidence-Based Medicine"
CMQCC - California Maternal Quality
Care Collaborative
The U.S. Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality offers reports on Evidence-based
The Department of Health and Human Services has a nice search engine that returns results from U.S. government sites, including the CDC.
The TRIP Database has evolved into a sophisticated tool for
locating the highest possible evidence with which to inform
clinical decisions. This section will highlight the methods used
in the TRIP Database from 'Content Identification' through to
'Results Display'. In addition we will briefly discuss the other
main clinical content on the site. Read
more about The TRIP Process, a great summary of available
evidence-based medicine reviews.
Thin Air Media has
produced a couple of excellent learning tools for parents:
one-hour documentary about the practices and perceptions of birth
in America.
hour-long audio journey exploring the postpartum experience in
contemporary American life.
Podcasts from La Leche
League International
Blog Podcasts
Women in
Charge-- a birth blog project of Wisewoman Childbirth
(Maria Iorillo, midwife, San Francisco)
Midwife Thinking - My aim is to use
this blog to stimulate thinking and share knowledge, evidence and
views on birth and midwifery.(Rachel Reed, independent midwife,
educator and birth nerd, Queensland, Australia)
midwifery-research - A forum for discussion on midwifery and reproductive health research
Medscape offers some excellent Resources Centers for Pregnancy
and Women's Sexual
Guide to Reviewing Published Evidence for Use in Health Impact
Assessment - A 12 page Guide, with interactive hyperlinks
provides a step-by-step framework to assist practitioners in
reviewing literature for use in a health impact assessment (HIA).
Evidence-based Healthcare - This web course has been created
by the United States Cochrane Center as part of a project
undertaken by Consumers United for Evidence- based Healthcare
(CUE), and is designed to help consumer advocates understand the
fundamentals of evidence-based healthcare concepts and skills.
Registration is open and free of charge.
reliable information - Consumer Reports rates leading health
web sites, Sept., 2005 [You must pay to subscribe to Consumer
Reports Online.]
The U.S. National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health offers some valuable resources:
Through the Information Maze, the National Childbirth Trust's guide to research-based information on pregnancy, childbirth and postnatal care.
Whether you are a midwife, other health professional, a parent-to-be, this site will help you find reliable, balanced and up-to-date information.
There is a vast amount of information available about pregnancy
and childbirth, but it is not always possible to know whether it
has been properly researched before publication. Through the
Information Maze will help you make sensible, safe and informed
Internet Training Seminar - A very nice introduction to using the Internet as a tool for the health care practitioner. " . . . it behooves physicians to become familiar with the use of the Internet."
Using the Internet
Effectively module (from University of Florida) will teach
you about the Internet, email, news groups, search engines, and
rules of the road. This interactive module ends with a list
of Internet
for Family Physicians
the Literature - One of the essential skills needed to
maintain competence, to provide patients with the best possible
care, and to do more good than harm is the ability to critically
appraise the literature.
yourself statistics [from the BMJ]
Misguided Media?- News reports are filled with the latest
breakthroughs, but they are often exaggerated by inexperienced
reporters, overeager editors and self-interested scientists.
Wisdom: selected archives from the UK Midwifery Discussion
List, on many pregnancy and birth topics.
Virtual Midwifery Library - another great UK site
MIDIRS (Midwives Information and
Resource Service) is an educational charity set up in 1985
and our mission is 'To be the central source of information
relating to childbirth and to disseminate this information to
midwives and others. An example
search is available so you can
see the quality of information you will receive.
Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC)
ObGynLinx - A
Comprehensive News Portal for Obstetricians
The Florence Nightingale
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Maternal and Child Health Library - offers electronic resources, including databases, publications, resource lists, web links and the MCH Alert (an electronic newsletter).
The Family Practice
Notebook has sections on Maternity Care
and Pediatrics.
NAPSAC - The InterNational
Association of Parents & Professionals for Safe Alternatives
in Childbirth
The Johnson & Johnson Pediatric
Instituteis an excellent and very affordable source for
education materials (many for free on-line, others for purchase)
related to many of the topics related to early infant bonding,
infant massage, doulas, and early childhood development.
They often refer to the research done by Kennell and Klaus.
The Coalition for Improving
Maternity Services (CIMS) is a coalition of individuals and
national organizations with concern for the care and well-being of
mothers, babies, and families. Our mission is to promote a
wellness model of maternity care that will improve birth outcomes
and substantially reduce costs. This evidence-based mother-,
baby-, and family-friendly model focuses on prevention and
wellness as the alternatives to high-cost screening, diagnosis,
and treatment programs.
for Normal Birth
Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) was
founded by Alan Guttmacher in 1963 - Projects include the
development and implementation of clinical conferences, visiting
faculty programs, monographs, an international peer-reviewed
journal (Contraception), and on-line education. ARHP-sponsored
programs and conferences feature the latest research, emerging
technologies, hands-on training, and useful information for health
care practice.
Advocates for Pregnant Women (NAPW) - NAPW has a vision of a
world where women enjoy full personhood and where neither
pregnancy nor drug use serve as an excuse to dehumanize and punish
select groups of people.
The World Health Organization
(WHO) has some excellent resources on numerous Maternal
Health Topics, including for Pregnancy, Childbirth and Newborns,
including Managing
A guide for doctors, nurses and midwives and Pregnancy,
and newborn care - a guide for essential practice, Managing
Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth
Pregnancy Center from the Mayo Clinic
MedExplorer is a free medical/health related search engine
Links to other Maternity Related sites
Research: Links to More Information from Lamaze International
Great list of medical resources from Australia
Directories and Search Engines for Health Information - a list from the UK
Useful Web Links about Nursing and Midwifery from the University of Surrey -
Pregnancy and Reproduction Topics from MEDLINEplus Health Information
Pregnancy section from UCSF's Primary Care Clinical Practice Guidelines
The English National Board for Nursing and Midwifery Health care database is now available for you to search for free. visit http:
National Guideline Clearinghouse Disclaimer - The National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC) is an Internet Web site intended to make evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related abstract, summary, and comparison materials widely available to health care professionals
Obstetrics and Gynecology from An Internet Guide for the Health Professional
Obstetrics from Med 411 - A list of online resources. They also host "The search engine dedicated to the medical profession"
Hardin Meta Directory web page for Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women's Health
Internet Resources: Women's Health
Dr. Pranikoff's Obstetric Web Library
An annotated bibliography on Development, Behavior, and Psychic Experience in the Prenatal Period and the Consequences for Life History compiled by M. Maiwald - The bibliography contains > 1200 assorted literature references covering prenatal matters including biological, medical and psychological topics which eventually influence later life. An Amazing Site! [Ed. This title is translated from the German, and I strongly suspect that "Psychic" is meant to be Psychological.]
Resources for Midwives by Laura Milligan
Your Baby Your Body - A UK site "For women who need to know more" - The online community for mums and dads - Start your own parent diary, Chat, Meet friends, Join Groups & Share Tips
Birthing Naturally - written by a childbirth educator and doula "to be a source of information and an exchange of ideas about pregnancy and childbirth." Includes articles written specifically for parents in an easy-to-read style with great information. Has a Christian perspective.
Motherstuff, a meta-index of mother-knowledge on the internet.
with woman - http: Lorna Davies in the UK
The National Childbirth Trust - From the UK, this site offers support in pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood. They have a separate portal for parents.
Danny Tucker's Pregnancy and Women's Health Information
Nurturing On-Line includes an extensive Library housing a collection of book reviews, parenting articles, Guest articles, Issues Articles, articles by parents and professionals, and the Individuals of Excellence Award.
Ecstatic Birth is a call for a revolution, a revolution in the way we think about birth, and, as a result, the way we give birth.
March of Dimes PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATION INFORMATION SHEETS - great client handouts.
Web Directories for Pregnancy and Birth at Yahoo
National Guideline Clearinghouse™ (NGC) Links to Patient Resources [lots of information, but also lots of ads!]
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Sites of Interest to Family Physicians from The College of Family Physicians of Canada
Existing Public Health Information Networks - links provided by The WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS)
NHS Direct Online - The UK's National Health Service
The Medical Information Superhighway (list of links at
The Lancet's collection of sites of biomedical interest.
Midwives Alliance of North America (MANA)
North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) - offers The Certified Professional Midwife credential (CPM)
Midwifery Education Accreditation Council’s (MEAC) mission is to promote quality education in midwifery through accreditation.
American College of Community Midwives
Association of Perinatal Naturopathic Doctors (APND) (mostly Canadian)
The American Association of Naturopathic Midwives (AANM)
American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM)
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Association for Pre- & Perinatal Psychology & Health (APPPAH)
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine
The International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA) is the professional association for International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) and other health care professionals who care for breastfeeding families.
Association of Nurse Advocates for Childbirth Solutions (ANACS)
Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
British Medical Association (BMA)
Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, the UK
Holistic Pediatric Association - The HPA is committed to supporting parents who seek a healing model of health care, helping parents reduce the use of ineffective and harmful drug treatments, and empowering parents to build healthy bodies and spirits in their children. They also maintain an outstanding hierarchy of articles about raising healthy children, including information about Pregnancy, Birth and Newborn Care as well as Breastfeeding.
The American Association of Birth Centers (AABC, formerly NACC)
National Society of Genetic
LinkOut resources from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine
Online listing of dental and medical journals found in PUBmed MEDLINE and Medline
Comprehensive list of nursing journals from
Maternal/Child Nursing offers a collection of Online Nursing Journals - tables of contents, abstracts and full-text
Midwifery Today specializes in non-interventive midwifery. They also offer a free e-mail weekly newsletter, and they're making selected articles from the magazine available online, also.
Journal of Midwifery and Women's Health, journal of the ACNM - (formerly Journal of Nurse-Midwifery) promotes the writing and publication of timely, relevant and provocative literature on and for nurse-midwifery which is consistent with the philosophy, objectives, policies and positions of the American College of Nurse-Midwives.
Central Source of Information on Maternity Care and Childbirth
BTW they put out an excellent digest which has full length
articles and abstracts from a wide range of sources all related to
midwifery. I highly recommend it to fellow midwives. The search
service provides a complete list of references and abstracts
related to the topic of your choice for a small fee.
The Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice (CJMRP) - You can subscribe from the U.S. by printing out their subscription form and giving them your credit card number to deal with exchange rate issues.
Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care is a multidisciplinary, refereed journal devoted to issues and practices in the care of childbearing women, infants, and families.
The Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology (JPOG) was founded in 1982 in order to provide a scientific forum for gynaecologists, psychiatrists and psychologists as well as for all those who are interested in the psychosocial and psychosomatic aspects of women’s health. Another of its aims is to stimulate obstetricians and gynaecologists to pay more attention to this very important facet of their profession.
MCN, the American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing
"The Green Journal" - Obstetrics & Gynecology Journal - the Official Publication of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (AJOG), "The Gray Journal"
The British Medical Journal (BMJ) is wonderful about providing full-text articles.
British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology & Reproductive Biology
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
JAMA - Scientific publications, i.e. Journal of the American Medical Association Home Page (AMA)
Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ)
Acta Paediatrica - Swedish journal
Pediatrics - The official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. (AAP)
Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing - The official journal of AWHONN
Nature - international weekly journal of science.
Alternate Sci.Med.Midwifery Archives
Perinatal Nursing Discussion List - PNATALRN@LISTSERV.ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU - Archives
Lactnet Archives-http:
This Week on Medscape - Weekly Focus on Health Care News - used to be Medscape MedPulse
Medscape - Women's Health section - (CMEs available for some articles - low cost)
- Pregnancy [Medscape registration is free]
Medical Dictionary from
Childbirth Trust (NCT)
Care Teaching Materials for Family Medicine - Group on
Family Centered Perinatal Care Society of Teachers of Family
Medicine -
PrenatalEd is "a resource for prenatal care providers and managed care professionals in health education, patient education, health promotion, maternal infant health and maternity case management. It is an electronic handbook of scientific and practical information on developing and evaluating health related content and materials. PrenatalEd also includes product information on the award winning prenatal health education series Beginnings: A Practical Guide Through Your Pregnancy."
Resource-rich links
Educators and other health professionals in their roles as
It seems amazing to me that this might be so, but it appears that the entire text of the 25'th Anniversary Edition of Our Bodies, Ourselves is online. [Note - access to this page was free for a while, but you may now need to subscribe and pay real money.]
They have some wonderful sections on Childbirth, focusing on the politics of different types of care.
They have sections on different places of birth and different types of caregivers.
I especially liked their sections on:
The Association for Integrative Medicine
Integrated Medical Clinic and Ayurveda School -
National Center for Complementary an Alternative Medicine
The American Botanical Council
The Longwood Herbal Task
Force (possibly obsolete)
Information System
American Society for Colposcopy
and Cervical Pathology Web Site with educational photos
ftp to the pub/usenet/ directory of or tune
in to
Bucking a disturbing trend for professional medical information sites to charge monthly access fees, HealthLink offers world class Practitioner standard medical resources, free for all who wish to learn.
Opened less then 6 weeks ago the site offers the following prestigious Practitioner databases, together with a plethora of search driven resources guaranteed to uncover answers quickly. Major databases available include:
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S.A., 1996 FEB 23 (NB) -- SilverPlatter, developer of bibliographic databases, has launched an Internet service called Physicians' Home Page (PHP). SilverPlatter has for the last ten years been supplying online bibliographic databases, but this is the first time for the Internet. A basic membership to PHP is $19.95 per month and the first month is free. To become a Physicians' Home Page member, physicians fill out an online form at http:
CDC Recommends: The Prevention Guidelines System contains up-to-date and archived guidelines and recommendations approved by the CDC for the prevention and control of disease, injuries, and disabilities.
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Healthtouch(TM) - Online for better health at http:
High Risk Situations and Complications in Pregancy, Labor, and
Birth at http:
Books &
Resources from
International Pediatric Chat at http:
Nursing & Health Care
Merck and The Merck Manuals - Explains disorders, who is likely to get them, their symptoms, how they're diagnosed, how they might be prevented, and how they can be treated; also provides information about prognosis.
Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, NJ at http:
Nursing and the Internet- Online Course at http:
ParentTime - Welcome! at http:
The Pediatric Bulletin at http:
The Physician Locator at http:
VirtualNurse: A CyberSpace Nursing Community... at http:
Welcome to CDC WONDER on the Web at http:
site allows access into the statistical databases of the CDC.
Concerns - from an OB nurses' Web pages
from Ancient Times
and Lactation Labeling Final Rule - On December 3, 2014, the
FDA published the Content and Format of Labeling for Human
Prescription Drug and Biological Products; Requirements for
Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling, referred to as the “Pregnancy
and Lactation Labeling Rule” (PLLR or final rule).
This web page has a number of very useful links, including:
issues final rule on changes to pregnancy and lactation labeling
information for prescription drug and biological products
Breastfeeding? Better Drug Information Is Coming
Drugs, Supplements, and Herbal Information from Medline Plus
Access to and mobilePDR is free to U.S.-based MDs, DOs, PAs, and NPs in full-time patient practice, and to U.S. medical students and residents.
PDR® Family Guide to Prescription Drugs - for public use
RxList - the Internet Drug Index
Medscape DrugInfo - an online resource similar to the PDR [Medscape registration is free]
Pharmaceutical Companies - a list from
Pharmacy Times -
Practical Information for Today's Pharmacist, including a page on
NOTE - Medline is hosted by Medscape, which is supported by advertising. PubMed is hosted by the NIH, which is supported by government funds. So, if you want to avoid advertising, stick with PubMed.
Note that both PubMed and Medline use the same identifiers. Here are some URLs with XXX in the place where you can put the PMID from either to check in the other.
PubMed URL: http:
Note that PubMed has the very helpful "Related Articles" feature,
but Medline is more likely to have the full text of the article,
especially if a commercial entity has an interest in sponsoring
the article.
Evidence-based Medicine is a book of questions and answers
designed to help readers improve their skills in
critical reading of the medical literature and in evaluation of
research evidence.
Medline Knowledge Finder at
The Journal of Family Practice has some excellent reviews of many articles.
Medline Searching List of several different medline search engines.
PubMed - Free MedLine at the National Library of Medicine My favorite one - Easy to limit search to specific fields, e.g. author or title.
Search MEDLINE Medscape's entry - easy way to limit years of publication.
Evaluated Medline at BioMedNet Requires free registration. Selected items evaluated by expert reviewers. Links to some fee-based full-text journals. Table of Contents browser back to 1959. Search Engine allows easy limitation of stop and start years for search. Also maintains personal search history.
Medline Knowledge
Finder at
Medline does not give you the actual articles. There is a
mechanism linked to the database that lets you order full text of
the articles for a price. I would advise, however, that you
take the citations (your Medline results list) to your local
public library, and they can order them on Inter Library Loan for
you--usually for free. Most libraries' Interlibrary loan
service for articles means that you get a photocopy of the
article, for free, to keep forever! Your taxes, finally
going for something wonderfully useful!
The following are new Internet clinical medicine resources. The criteria for selection and ranking of these resources include their utility for point of care clinical application, quality, and currency. All resources provide unrestricted access to their full content unless otherwise specified. Sites are ranked according to their importance to clinical medicine practice with a maximum score of four stars ****. Sites are reviewed by an editorial board of practicing clinicians.
An archive of "Medical Matrix- What's New" documents is searchable at http: entries are categorized by topic and presented in the Internet clinical medicine database "Medical Matrix" at http: continuously updated and verified.
Unauthorized commercial use or reposting of these documents
without acknowledging the authors is prohibited. Permission is
granted to copy and distribute these materials provided that
readers are referred to the Medical Matrix homepage,
effort to maintain these documents is based on user surveys.
Free searches sponsored by advertisements. An intuitive interface
that offers options for advanced users. Full text delivery is
relatively expensive. Moderate enhancements for librarian or
advanced searchers.
Medline Database at Community of Science, Inc.
Free searches with advanced features for librarian users such as
natural language or fuzzy logic. Users select "new entries" or
specific journals abstracts from pick lists in a large table.
Tracks queries and offers expansion of searches with medical
subject headings. Johns Hopkins.
Medline Search
Free searches sponsored by advertisers. The query field requires
some knowledge of Boolean symbols. Integration with full text
articles lends added value. Simple registration and passwording.
Full text available by street mail at relatively low cost from the
vendor Infotrieve - the basic charge is $8.
Free after completion of a registration form for professionals.
Uses the Silverplatter service. Icon driven intuitive interface.
Offers thesaurus searches and advanced features such as "suggest
Free searching after a moderate registration process. Offers
simple and advanced searching. Sufficient options for the
dedicated searcher such as selection of publication type and date,
synonym matching, and medical subject heading expansion.
Free trial period after registration. Handsome interface uses
pick lists for fuzzy versus Boolean searching and word variants.
Permits natural language queries.
Internet Grateful Med Medline Search
Fee based access from the National Library of Medicine. Concept
enabled searching and frontier applications such as help features
and intuitive integration of medical subject headings. Complex
registration process. Advanced features for librarians and
advanced users.
Ovid On Call Medline and Medical Databases
Advanced fee based and institutional interface. Natural language
queries, help menus, basic and advanced searching modes, and
thesaurus queries. Integrates hyperlinked access to full text
databases, Medline, and medical journals with charts, photographs,
and graphics. Full text email delivery. Complex registration.
Infotrieve Medline Service Provider*
A fee based service that offers free access to the NLM's Aidsline
database. Permits concept searching. Offers searching tips. Fee
registration. Permits browsing of the Mesh hierarchies.
Competitive street mail document delivery.
Icon driven intuitive interface. Offers thesaurus searches and
advanced search features including "suggest synonyms". Fee
registration. Medline services are integrated with other database
Paper Chase Medical Literature Searching
Offers Mesh expansion, intelligent relevance ranking, and
selection based on multiple descriptors. Fee transaction based.
Full text delivery by an 800 number.
Document Delivery at SilverPlatter
Links to a journal's web based full-text (if available) or
abstracts within the search results of Medline. Subscription.
Medical-Specific Search Engine
Another Medical-Specific
Search Engine
MD Consult offers FULL-TEXT of most articles published within the
last 3 - 4 years, right off the web site! It has a wonderful
internal search engine, and features like "What patients are
reading " that includes excerpts from popular media and a synopsis
of the most recent episode of ER. It also has several textbooks
on-line and you can print out relevant chapters as needed.
Anyhow, the url is
They do have a ten day free trial. I don't know what an individual
subscription costs, but I would guess it to be around $20/month.
Phone Numbers of Government Agencies
related to Women's Health
Midirs Midwifery Digest is a British quarterly journal. The articles come from a wide range of sources. The masthead says they scan 550 journals searching for new information. Some of the information is very British but I find it useful to see the way politics and practice happens in other places. There is also lots of great information on pregnancy, labour and delivery, postnatal and neonatal, trends in childbirth etc. Subscriptions are pricey but worth it. If you belong to a group you might convince them to add it to their library.
The e-mail address for Midirs is The URL for their website is http:
Committee Holds Inaugural Meeting at CIMS Tenth Anniversary
Meeting in Boston [founded February 25, 2006] - The mission
of the multidisciplinary group is to encourage, conduct, evaluate
and disseminate research related to the best practices in birth
care for childbearing women and their families in the United
States and its territories.
Citizens for Midwifery
– the only national consumer-based group promoting the Midwives
Model of Care!
Mothering Magazine celebrates the experience of parenthood as worthy of one’s best efforts and fosters awareness of the immense importance and value of parenthood and family life in the development of the full human potential. As a readers’ magazine, we recognize parents as the experts and wish to provide truly helpful information upon which parents can base informed choices.
They maintain a nice index
of articles from their archives.
- Our goal at Nursing Family Magazine is to bring encouragement,
support, enlightenment, information, and empowerment to families
everywhere. This is a publication about creating strong family
bonds by following your heart! Breastfeeding, baby wearing,
co-sleeping, gentle birth, simpler living and more! Celebrate
COCHRANE DATABASE The US distributor is the American College of
Physicians. 1-800-523-1546 Cheaper from the Canadian Perinatal
Clinical Trials Network ($100 US vs $175 when ordered through the
American College of Physicians). contact Corinne Millsip, Canadian
Perinatal Clinical Trials Network, DO-705, Hopital St-Francoise
d'Assise, 10 Rue de l'Espinay, Quebec (Quebec) GIL 3LS, telephone
418-525-4455, fax 418-525-4481.
Symposia Medicus offers a variety of conferences in obstetrics
& gynecology, including one on Fetal Heart Rate Pattern
Interpretation. 1299 Newell Hill Pl., #301, Walnut Creek, CA
94596-5220 Phone: 800-327-3161
How to Get Copies of Military
Medical/Technical Reports
Multi-cultural Educational Services
If you are a health educator or otherwise serve people who speak Russian, Ukrainian, Bosnian, Serbo-Croatian, Farsi, Spanish, Somali, Nuer (Sudanese) Vietnamese, Hmong, Korean, Laotian, Cambodian, or Khmer, Multi-cultural Educational Services has materials that you can use to get important health information to newcomers.
You can see a list of all the booklets and the languages available at http:
You can download a free copy of Safety for Babies and Children
Version 4 with Hmong, Lao and Vietnamese Translation at http:
(you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view and print
The Center for Applied Linguistics
has announced the second edition of the Multilingual Health
Education Resource Guide - Health information available in
Cambodian, Hmong, Vietnamese, Bosnian, Russian, Haitian/Creole,
Arabic and Somali languages. Health topics cover infectious
diseases (Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, and parasites), dental care,
and maternal and child health (immunization, breast health, and
prenatal care). Price: No cost. Mail or fax your name,
organization, title, address, phone number, and fax number to the
Refugee Service Center. [Refugee Service Center, Attn: Health
Education Materials, Center for Applied Linguistics, 1118 22nd
Street NW, Washington, DC 20037, Phone 202-429-9292, Fax
and Search Engines
Spanish For
Midwives & Childbirth Professionals - A basic
English/Spanish translation guide to support expectant mothers and
Online Spanish
Childbirth Information
Familia: The National Hispanic Family Health Helpline
(1-866-783-2645) is a national helpline that offers consumers free
reliable and confidential health information in Spanish and
Guía para las familias - Sugerencias para que los
bebés, niños y adolescentes crezcan sanos
The National Alliance for Hispanic Health with Health Fact Sheets about Cuidado prenatal and other helpful topics.
They are also called The National Coalition of Hispanic Health
and Human Services Organizations- COSSMHO.
GINE-web -
Información online en español sobre salud y
bienestar de la mujer ( The spanish online resource for women's
health and well-being)
Iniciativa para
un Parto Respetuoso con la Madre [Primera Iniciativa de Consenso
de la Coalición para la Mejora de los Servicios de
Maternidad (CIMS)] [Coalition for Improving Maternity
Services (CIMS)] from the Web site of la Programa
Materno Infantil del Ministerio de Salud de la Provincia de
Buenos Aires
Leila has provided a very nice dictionary/diccionario.
resources from
including The Midwife & Homebirth / LA PARTERA Y
embarazo, parto, lactancia, bebés from Planeta Mamá
Pregnant women will be able to get information about prenatal care nationwide from a new toll-free number 1-800-331-BABY, U.S. health officials said Thursday. Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala said calls will get automatically routed to a woman's state maternal and child health hotline or a Healthy Start prenatal care hotline.
"Every pregnant woman and every newborn baby in America should
have the benefit of early medical care and advice," she said. The
U.S. infant mortality rate is at a historic low of less than eight
deaths per 1,000 live births in 1995, 18 percent lower than 1990.
There has also been a 30 percent decline in Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome between 1992 and 1995. But Shalala said low birth weight
and infant mortality remain serious problems.
Gail Hart has a library of antique medical books.
If you ever get down to Los Angeles, do yourself a favor and browse the "History of Medicine" collection at USC's Norris Library (on the health science campus in east LA). There is a wonderful book there on the history of ergot......fascinating reading for any birth care giver! Also, the library at Woman's Hospital has bound collections of periodicals going back almost 100 years..........
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