Deluxe Accessories Kit for Birth Tubs
There is an additional $100 rental fee for the Deluxe Accessories Kit with
the AquaDoula.
Please Note - Renters are responsible for sterilizing some of these
accessories, using household bleach, according to the instructions provided.
The Deluxe Accessories Kit includes:
Blue bottom plastic tarp - protects the floor from water drips,
spills, and splashes
6'x6' quilted underpad - adds an extra layer of cushioning
under the tub and provides an absorbent area around the tub in case of
unusually large drips, spills or splashes. Also provides a cushy
layer for midwife, doula or support people to kneel at tub side more comfortably.
Large cloth floor sheet - Goes on top of tarp and underpad
- prevents slipping on the wet tarp, helps keep underlayers clean
Blue plastic foot tub - This is used to rinse feet before
getting in the tub to prevent the accumulation of dust, lint and carpet
fibers in the tub.
1-qt. Plastic pitcher with handle - very nice for pouring
water over the mom's back and shoulders if she likes, and for rinsing off
her feet before she gets in the tub. The small pitcher hangs very
nicely over the side of the AquaDoula and can be used to hold drinking
glasses or the midwife's Doppler.
2 weighted spa pillows - these hang over the edge of the frame and
can be used as head supports or as arm rests.
Small, hard Y-connector - goes between the faucet connector and
the fill hose. This allows access to the water source without disconnecting
the hoses, and allows an easy way to check the water temperature with the
hoses connected.
Large, soft Y-connector - can be used to connect the hoses to washing
machine connectors if necessary.
3' clear anchor tube - anchors the fill hose in the tub to
reduce flailing fill hoses
50-ft. clear fill hose(s) 1 or 2 - These are aquarium-grade
hoses so that you don't use a garden hose to fill the tub; garden hoses
are pre-treated with an algaecide that makes them inappropriate for filling
an aquarium - why would you want to use it to fill the tub where your baby
will be born?
9' clear siphon hose - Can be used to drain the AquaDoula
without contaminating the liner, in case labor stops after you've filled
the tub, and you need to drain it to replace it with fresh water.
35-ft. worth of drain hose. (I have 60-ft. hoses available if
you need them - please ask for it when you pick up the tub.)
Child's stepstool for you to keep - Can be submerged in the tub
for mom to sit on during labor or as a birth stool for pushing and the
birth. It also helps raise the mom up after the birth if the umbilical
cord is short, so baby can breathe!
This web page belongs to Ronnie Falcao,
LM MS, homebirth midwife and hospital doula
Additional information
about finding and purchasing these supplies